The Dursley family, also known as the Dursleys, are minor antagonists in the Harry Potter franchise. [13], 'Don't kill Cedric!' The Dementors only target Harry specifically at the end of the book when one Dementor steps away from the rest and decides to give him the kiss due to him getting in the way of capturing Sirius. At the start of the book, Harry and his Muggle cousin, Dudley Dursley (who now appears to "look like a pig that's been taught to walk on its hind legs"), are attacked by the terrible dementors. The disciplinary hearing of Harry Potter occurred before the Wizengamot on August 12, 1995 as the boy wizard was charged for using underage magic, which was that he was forced to conjure a Patronus Charm to save himself and his cousin Dudley Dursley from Dementors in the Muggle town of Little Whinging ten days earlier. Another owl arrived with a letter in which Harry's expulsion was withdrawn, instead ordering him to attend a disciplinary hearing on 12 August, for using a Patronus Charm "in the presence of a Muggle," therefore, breaking the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery and the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. [2], But he fell silent. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The experience left him completely confused and traumatised, leaving Harry to save his life and carry him home. As a vent for his frustrations, he took to teasing his cousin Dudley Dursley and vaguely threatening him with magic. When the Order of the Phoenix placed the Dursleys into hiding to keep them safe during the height of the Second Wizarding War, Dudley was the only member of the family to express concern for Harry's safety, asking his parents why Harry was not accompanying them and where he would go, if not with them. In an attempt to change his parents' minds: Dudley screamed, hit his father with his Smelting stick, threw up on purpose, kicked his mother, and threw his pet tortoise through the greenhouse roof. List of supporting Harry Potter characters From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. In 1994, he had "reached the size and weight of a young killer whale"[13] somewhere between 265 and 353 pounds. Dudley lay curled up on the ground, whimpering and shaking. To resemble Dudley more closely, Melling had to wear a padded suit and a special face prosthetic for his final Harry Potter appearance. [7] Harry often thought Dudley looked like a pig in a wig. [20] The cousins would have a relatively good relationship by 2017: Dudley and Harry visited each other, while their children played together. Read More When Dudley counted his presents, he got angry and claimed that he had two fewer than his last birthday, although he actually had one fewer than his last birthday. See answer (1) Copy. Kara has always had a love for horror ever since she started watching it at too young of an age. In June, Dudley accompanied his parents to King's Cross Station to pick Harry up for the summer holidays. Who's Cedric your boyfriend?Dudley Dursley, Soon after the events of 24 June, Harry returned to the Dursley family's home at 4 Privet Drive for summer vacation. However, by 1995 after he was attacked by Umbridge's dementors, Dudley had taken up boxing and weight lifting, and lost a great deal of weight. All four members of the family were . The books and films failed to fully explain what Dudley went through during his encounter with the Dementors, but Rowling has since confirmed lingering mystery. [9], When Vernon insulted Albus Dumbledore and after Hagrid informed him that Harry was going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hagrid used magic to sprout a pig's tail from Dudley's bottom (because Dudley was helping himself to Harry's birthday cake), which caused immense pain something that Harry found enjoyment in. Upon addressing his past behavior, the Dementor attack gave Dudley a chance to take a step back to reevaluate his life. [17], Dad I'm going with these Order people.Dudley accepting protection from the Order of the Phoenix, When Dudley was attacked by the Dementors he saw himself, for the first time, as he really was. Immediately after, he turned his head to the side, stared at Harry who was about to get closer, and roared through his teeth: "Put it away! [1], Dear Mr Potter, We have received intelligence that you performed the Patronus Charm at twenty-three minutes past nine this evening in a Muggle-inhabited area and in the presence of a Muggle. This changed after Harry saved Dudley from a pair of dementors that attacked them during the summer of 1995. But even further than that, I'd like to know what happened to them later in life, especially Dudley. What happens to dudley at the end of harry potter. It can be assumed that he was used to the odd things that happened whenever his cousin was around. When told to do so, Harry broke the connection and returned to Hogwarts with the Triwizard Cup and Cedric Diggory's body. This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. [10] Over the course of the school year, he grew even more massive: so much so that his bottom drooped over each side of his chair. Despite being close in age, Harry and Dudley never got along during their time living together at 4 Privet Drive. His physical changes helped to propel that new chapter in his career. Chapter Text. Harry, sure that Dudley only put up with this treatment because he was well paid for it, noticed a twenty-pound note clenched in his fat hand behind his back. And in a (kind of touching) scene at the start of book 7, he actually becomes concerned for Harry, and seems sorry to see him go. [10], On the other hand, the only way to get at Harry was through the press. He either picked on his cousin or ignored his existence completely. He was the son of Vernon Dursley and Petunia Dursley, and the nephew of Marge Dursley and Lily Potter. He offered to take their coats and offered his arm to accompany Mrs Mason to the dining room a while later. [1], Desperate to escape the Dursleys, Harry began to head for the stairs. When Kara's not busy writing, you can find her doing yoga or hanging out with Gritty. Spoilt pampered Dudley didn't have anything this dark in his past, so the Dementors forced Dudley to see his true self. [15] The encounter with the Dementors forced Dudley, for the first time, to recognise the kind of person he really was: a cruel bully. In between "sobs", Dudley commented that he did not want Harry to spoil his birthday by tagging along: when his mother was not looking, he shot Harry a nasty grin. Being grateful for the opportunity in the Harry Potter franchise didn't change the fact that he was ready to move on to other gigs. He shook Harry's hand and thanked him for saving his life. Dudley Dursley (born 23 June 1980)[1] was the Muggle son of Vernon and Petunia Dursley and cousin of Harry Potter. Dudley sat at the TV all day, eating constantly. Community content is available under. Melling went on to star in the TV series, Merlin, in 2010 before acquiring roles inThe Lost City of Z,The Ballad of Buster Scruggs,andThe Keeperin addition to theatre work. Lord Voldemort proceeded to scold each in turn, naming many without fear of these names becoming public as he was certain that Harry would not be alive after that evening. . Related:Harry Potter Theory: Why Dementors Hurt Harry So Badly. Vernon wrestled Dudley to the ground and took the letter away, which was made difficult by Harry clinging on to Vernon's neck. He had heard just the thing he had been dreading. Dudley was born around 23 June 1980,[1] about five weeks before his cousin Harry Potter. Harry Melling, who played Dudley Dursley, lost enough weight following the Harry Potter franchise that not many fans ever recognize him. He also remained in contact with Harry, as did his wife and children. He tried to fend it off, but its power was draining Harry. The aftermath of this saw Dudley change to an extent; he became less belligerent and even civil to Harry. When Harry pretended that he was going to set a bush on fire by saying pretend magic words, Dudley ran to his mother, frightened. Dudley and Harry eventually reconciled as adults, remaining on "Christmas card terms" and visiting each other occasionally. So what did he see? At some point, he complained about the walk between the living room and the kitchen, so his father installed a new TV in the kitchen as a welcome-home-for-the-summer present. It is also a large town located in the West Midlands county of England which, as with the town of Dursley, is known for its coal mining in the Victorian era. His parents spoiled him to the point of becoming grossly obese, demanding, selfish, and manipulative, but most of all, extremely ungrateful. He was shuffled off to Alastor Moody's office by the impostor Moody, where he was questioned eagerly about the evening's events. They were generally in denial of the obesity brought on by Dudley's gluttony, which they wrote off as being either the healthy appetite of a growing boy or that his poundage was really "puppy fat" and were completely oblivious to the fact that Dudley did not have friends, so much as a schoolyard gang and victims. She brought a computerised robot for Dudley and a box of dog biscuits for Harry. [22], When his mother, Petunia, died, Dudley was still on good terms with Harry. The encounter with the Dementors forced Dudley, for the first time, to recognise the kind of . [14], Despite being fairly manipulative, Dudley appeared to have a low level of intelligence. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The first being what Dudley saw from the Dementors. I don't think you're a waste of space.Dudley's farewell to his cousin Harry Potter. When Harry asks how he got his scar: 'In the car crash when your parents died,' she [Petunia] said. The Dementor attack was the catalyst for a change in Dudley's personality that started in Order of the Phoenix, and we saw the end result in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. As the Dementor took hold of Harry and forced him against the wall, it tried to administer the Kiss that would end him and Dudley, Harry thought of Ron and Hermione. Harry managed to drive the Azkaban guards away with a corporeal Patronus, thus saving himself and his cousin, but was punished by the Ministry regardless. Dudley had watery blue eyes and thick blond hair. Like his parents, Dudley only thought of Harry as a huge burden to the family. When so many letters for Harry arrived, Vernon, having had enough, told the family to get ready to leave. Dementors leech away happiness and feed off people's emotions, forcing them to re-live their worst memories, like Harry hearing his mothers screams, and begging Voldemort before her death. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Dudley Dursley was one of the few peoplewho were physically attacked by Dementors in the Harry Potter series, but it was never fully explained what the Muggle witnessed during the encounter. Hearing what he feared, Harry shouted for Dudley to shut up once again, but before he could finish the sentence, Dudley had hit him, knocking Harry to ground and separating him from his wand. Melling's weight loss became symbolic of a fresh beginning for his acting career around the time Deathly Hallows Part 1 was released. There was something in the alleyway apart from themselves, something that was drawing long, hoarse, rattling breaths. That's the sound of someone Apparating!" [18], We had to write an essay about our hero at school, Mr Mason, and I wrote about you.Dudley being paid to flatter the Masons when they arrive for dinner, Dudley was an unpleasant and spoiled child. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Dudley and all of the Dursleys appeared in the bookThe Goblet of Fire, and were all on diets. individual brownie pan cook time / patrick fabian saved by the bell / patrick fabian saved by the bell [2], Harry turned to look for Dudley and the other Dementor. Residing with his uncle, aunt, and cousin were difficult enough, but his presence as a wizard made matters contentious. When he and Dudley get attacked by a group of Dementors, Harry uses magic to defend themselves, leading to a trial where the Ministry will determine the severity of his crime. In Dudley's adult life, he got married and became a father of two. Aunt Petunia often said that Dudley looked like a baby angel Harry often said that Dudley looked like a pig in a wig.Dudley's appearance in his early years. His last words in the movie are, I still dont understand why we have to leave. But he also has a deleted film scene where he has a final conversation with Harry, and his last line is, I dont think youre a waste of space.. Next:Harry Potter: Why J.K. Rowlings Original Ending For Dudley Was Better. The Order of the Phoenix is a secret organisation in the Harry Potter series of fiction books written by J. K. Rowling. [2], Dudley began to blindly head directly for the Dementor. To make Dudley feel better, Petunia insisted that the whole family follow the diet, as well: to raise Dudley's morale, she also tended to give him more to eat than Harry (who, unbeknownst to Dudley, kept a secret stash of food in his bedroom). After his dementor attack, Dudley supposedly sees himself clearly for the first time, and what a horrible person he is. The dementors go after Harry in the Harry Potter books mainly cause of his childhood trauma which resulted in his parents dying in front of his eyes. Neville talking to Ron about his Howler. The Muggles became the guardians of their nephew, Harry Potter, after the death of the boy's parents at the hands of Dark Wizard, Lord Voldemort. He shuddered again and shook his large blond head, and despite the sense of numb dread that had settled on Harry since the arrival of the first owl, he felt a certain curiosity. [7], Dudley had an awful habit of bullying children who were weaker and as much as five years younger than he was, and when he forgot his fear of Harry's powers, callously insulted him in any way possible, even jeering at Harry about his obviously disturbing nightmares. At the entrance, his parents bought him and Piers large chocolate ice creams. [6], Immediately upon landing, Harry began to tell anyone who would listen that Lord Voldemort had returned. 'And don't ask questions.'. [2], On the hottest day of the year, 2 August, Harry had spent the day out of 4 Privet Drive roaming the streets per usual. 1 What happened to Dudley after the Dementor attack? Harry was tempted to pick a fight with Dudley, but he decided to heed Sirius Black's advice and kept his nose clean. While Vernon and Petunia decided what to do with Harry, Dudley pretended to cry, playing on his mother's habit of giving him whatever he wanted. [7], When Mrs Figg called the Dursleys to tell them she could not take Harry for the day because she had broken her leg, Dudley was horrified. [6], Between 1985 and 1990, Aunt Marge spent Christmas at Privet Drive. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Dudley and Harry were thrown out of the kitchen, but overheard the conversation through the door: Harry forced to listen under the crack, while Dudley looked through the better position: the peephole in the doorknob. Though he primarily felt the attack, Dudley was also forced to see a version of himself that he didn't like. As he was gripping the dead body of a classmate, no one was really paying attention. Dudley Dursley (born 23 June, 1980) was the Muggle son of Vernon and Petunia Dursley and cousin of Harry Potter. The Dursleys are a Muggle (non-magical) family and the opening antagonists of the Harry Potter franchise. That night, the Dursleys (sans Harry) hosted a dinner party for clients of Vernon's the Masons. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Before they could hurry off, the saleswoman asked Harry what he would like, then Vernon and Petunia were forced to buy Harry a cheap lemon ice lolly, although he seemed to like it regardless. Is Forex trading on OctaFX legal in India? Just as Crouch was about to finish his master's work by murdering Harry, Dumbledore burst into the room stunning him. This led to him regretting his treatment of Harry and his later attempts at reconciliation. Piers tattled on Harry saying that he had seen him talking to the snake. Later that evening, Dumbledore told Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge of what everything that had occurred. Marge refused to call the dog off until past midnight, much to the Dursleys' delight. While the Dursleys avoided the existence of the wizarding world, they couldn't hide from all aspects of Harry's newfound life. The actor was . These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, The Leading Source for Gaming News, Reviews, and Interviews, Harry Potter: Why Dudley Was Almost Recast After Order of the Phoenix, What Happened To The Dursleys After Harry Potter Ended, Harry Potter: Why J.K. Rowlings Original Ending For Dudley Was Better. After Dudley realized what could have happened if the Dementors got him and Harry saved him, Dudley started to change. [11] Obviously, Dudley had been trained by his parents by that time to hate and fear anything that had anything at all to do with Harry and his world. Did it mean living with wizards and witches? They indulged their son with treats and activities both out of blind adoration for the boy and as a means of emphasising to Harry what he was missing. He took to whacking everyone and everything within reach with this stick, which became extremely annoying to Harry. Dudley Dursley (b. June 23, 1980) was the Muggle son of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, and cousin of Harry Potter. Dursley is a town in Gloucestershire, England. Do you think maybe she could have undergone a transformation like Dudley's? Dudley knew he was a wizard and he had said some things that made him mad and struck a nerve but he never thought Harry could do something like this. RELATED: 10 Times Harry Potter Ignored Its Own Logic Dudley Dursley (born 23 June, 1980) was the Muggle son of Vernon and Petunia Dursley and cousin of Harry Potter. When Albus Dumbledore paid a personal visit to the Dursleys in 1996, he showed pity for Dudley, blaming the Dursleys for the "appalling damage" their parenting inflicted on their son. Harry summoned the stag which was cantering around behind him and ordered it after the Dementor atop Dudley. Over the following few weeks, Dudley took to prodding and pinching Harry,[4] whom he found weak. He first questioned the validity of Barty Crouch's testimony pointing out that Crouch was insane. After graduating college, writing began as a part-time hobby for Kara, but it quickly turned into a career. Mrs Dursley was the wife of Dudley Dursley: the couple had two children. For the most part, Harry kept his relatives out of the drama surrounding the other world, but he couldn't prevent one specific attack. As for other franchises, Kara's favorite OG Avenger is Thor, and her favorite Disney Princess is Leia Organa. He was obese and insolent as a result of his parents spoiling him throughout his childhood. Harry felt a horrible jolt of dread as he stood trembling in the freezing air An enormous silver stag erupted from the tip of Harry's wand; its antlers caught the dementor in the place where the heart should have been; it was thrown backward, weightless as darkness, and as the stag charged, the dementor swooped away, batlike and defeated.Harry detecting the Dementor's presence and casting the Patonus charm, While Dudley was shouting for Harry to put his wand away, the night suddenly became dark, cold, and quiet. [13], However, in 1995, Dudley faced dementors for the first time. After rumours of Lord Voldemort's return and the increased paranoia of Cornelius Fudge, Umbridge set two dementors on Harry Potter and his cousin Dudley Dursley in Little Whinging in an attempt to get him expelled from Hogwarts for use of magic outside of school. Dementors caused a person to relive the worst moments of their life. Harry Potter is about to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With both Dementors gone, the warmth, light, and noise returned to the night.[2]. He was consumed by thoughts of Voldemort and of death. [8], When Vernon and Petunia gave Dudley's second bedroom to Harry, Dudley threw a temper tantrum, claiming that he needed the room. Harry, on the other hand, was groping around on the ground for his wand. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Coincidentally, the real name of the actor who plays Dudley is Harry. Harry's stag Patronus saved them from being kissed, but Dudley, confused by what had happened, pinned the blame for the attack on his cousin, as he could not see the Dementors. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. [1], You-Know-Who returned? [2], These thoughts were followed by ones of his alienation. Instinctively, he said "Lumos", and his wand lit inches from his hand. Dudley realized how cruel he was, and how horribly he treated others, including his own cousin. Fudge also changed its format to a full criminal trial in front of the full Wizengamot. Don't let people see it!" Harry hesitated, put his wand back in his pocket, and craned his neck out the window. Much of this torture fell on Harry's shoulders - Dudley hated his cousin for being more likeable, more intelligent and more attractive. It was clear that Rowling made an effort in redeeming Dudley for his terrible behavior in his past, but featuring him in the epilogue would have more fittingly explained how much the character had changed. Putting the two stories together, Dumbledore decided that there was irrefutable evidence that Lord Voldemort had returned.[8]. She considered having him be at Platform 9 during the epilogue. What happened to Dudley Dursley after the Dementors? He told his parents that Harry had pointed his wand at him. Again, it said nothing praising him for fighting them off, but only to stay in the house. Dudley mended his relationship with Harry before the Dursleys were escorted into hiding ahead of the final battle against Lord Voldemort. Community content is available under. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter Lexicon - Timeline - Dudley Dursley,, JK Rowling comments on Harry and Dudley's future relationship, available via Internet Archive, JK Rowling comments on Harry and Dudley's future relationship, 19 October 2007 J.K. Rowling at Carnegie Hall, Accio Quote! people he is disturbed or attends a special school for his poor behaviour. The Dursleys treating Harry Potter as a servant Between 1985 and 1990, Aunt Marge spent Christmas at Privet Drive. Since harry potter The series ended, with writer JK Rowling providing details about the fate of the . Hurry up! With his transformation, there were discussions to recast Dudley since Melling looked so different. They frequently insult his parents, his looks and his magical abilities. A few moments later, Piers drew Dudley's attention back to the snake when he saw Harry talking to it. In 1991, whilst Rubeus Hagrid was attempting to enter the Hut-on-the-Rock, he foolishly quoted "Where's the cannon?" : Blue Peter (cBBC) Interview with J. K. Rowling, 12 March, 2001, It is never made clear if Dudley was aware of Harry being a wizard before the latter read his Hogwarts letter. It is unknown if Dudley ever returned to Little Whinging or if their family had stayed in the place they were relocated to,[20] or if they had moved elsewhere. After trying to reason out why Dementors would be in Little Whinging, Uncle Vernon told Harry to leave the house believing that Harry was endangering his family, but Dumbledore sent Aunt Petunia a Howler reminding her of the promise she made to take care of her nephew. Your boyfriend?Dudley taunting Harry in 1995, In 1995, Dudley took up boxing, which gave him even more prominence over other children. She whacked Harry, who was four years old at the time, around the shins with her walking stick to stop him from beating Dudley at musical statues. He produced his stag Patronus and drove the Dementor off him and away from the alley. Dudley pressed his nose against the glass and asked his father to make the snake wake up. His face also gained a fat appearance and made him look like he had an unsightly double chin. They are Harry Potter's last living grumpy relatives, usually seen at the beginning of the books and movies and rarely appearing afterwards. He then ordered Harry to duel with him. [14] Before to the Dursleys left Privet Drive, he appeared "large, blond, and muscular," wearing a leather jacket. Dudley is the spoiled and cossetted only child of Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, who have raised Harry reluctantly from babyhood. [18], Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsHarrys farewell to the Dursleys and Dudley's gratitude. When his friends left, Dudley met up with Harry, and they began walking home. [4] He summoned his old followers to the graveyard, where they marvelled at their master's return. Dudley dursley (conceived 23 june, 1980)[1] was the muggle child of vernon and petunia dursley and cousin of harry potter. When her husbands cousin Harry Potter visited them with his family, their children would play while Dudley and Harry sat together quietly. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. I also wonder about Petunia. After the Second Wizarding War, he married a woman and had two children. Who did Dudley marry? He was stout and rude because of his folks ruining him all through his life as a youngster, despite the fact that he became strong in his teenagers. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix When two Dementors were sent for Harry, Dudley got caught up in the mix. All in all a child version of his father. Deutsch; what happened to dudley dursley after the dementors May 29, 2022 . But where was that? [13], The next day when the Weasleys arrived to take Harry to the Quidditch World Cup, Dudley nervously ran his hands over his backside: remembering the incident with Hagrid in 1991, he was unwilling to present the same target to wizards again. On 31 July, Dudley taunted Harry about not receiving any birthday presents from his friends. This may have had something to do with his weight problem. What is Howler in Harry Potter? According to Dolores Umbridge, many in the Ministry were talking about silencing Harry, but none acted. what happened to dudley dursley after the dementors However, Harry did see Dudley again. In 1995, he faced . Dudley realized how cruel he was, and how horribly he treated others, including his own cousin. While Vernon and Petunia treated Harry poorly, they spoiled Dudley to the extreme. Contents show 1 Why did the dementors attack Harry and Who Set The Dementors On Harry And Dudley? When Dementors attacked, they often caused victims to relive their worst memories. As you have already received an official warning for a previous offence under section 13 of the International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy, we regret to inform you that your presence is required at a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry of Magic at 9 A.M. on August 12th. Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixDolores Umbridge admitting to having ordered the attack, This attack in Little Whinging occurred on 2 August 1995 after the Ministry of Magic insisted that the Return of the Dark Lord never occurred, during the summer of 1995. Harry's stag Patronus saved them from being kissed,[14] but Dudley, confused by what had happened, pinned the blame for the attack on his cousin, as he could not see the Dementors. After Harry began teasing Dudley, the latter began to provoke Harry about his nighttime moaning. After lunch, the group visited the reptile house and Dudley quickly found the largest snake in the place which was a sleeping boa constrictor. Dudley was very confused by this statement, and did not show any signs of planning to rectify his parents' "mistakes". After much rapping on the glass, it made no movements at all and Dudley walked away, easily bored. and replaced them with fruits and vegetables things that Vernon called "rabbit food. The following quote sums it up rather nicely: Dudley seemed incapable of saying. Her favorite slasher icon is Ghostface, but Michael Myers still gives her nightmares. [6] During their years together at St. Grogory's Primary School, Dudley frequently chose Harry as his favourite target with the help of his friends. That's two less than last year!Dudley's tantrum on his eleventh birthday, Dudley celebrated his eleventh birthday on 23 June 1991. After they entered the house, Harry tried to explain what had happened. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. [16], The best that can be said is that he has at least escaped the appalling damage you have inflicted upon the unfortunate boy sitting between you.Albus Dumbledore's damning assessment of Vernon and Petunia's spoiling of Dudley. We know she very nearly wished Harry good luck before she left. [2] Dudley was too large to fit in a school uniform, so was forced to go on a diet by his school, which was largely comprised of food which Vernon called "rabbit food" (fruits and vegetables) which Dudley rarely ate otherwise. Five weeks before his cousin Dudley Dursley, and what a horrible person he.! Performance '' website, anonymously like he had been dreading Harry tried to it. The opening antagonists of the Harry Potter appearance set the Dementors on Harry saying he... 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