Repeat. dish machine. Repeat. CA: PIC advised to use two bucket method or Quat sanitizer spray bottle with different paper towel for each table. Tofu and portioned tofu in reach-in cooler (bottom) not held at 41F or less. Person in charge (PIC) advised to maintain can opener clean to sight and touch. Corrected on-site (COS): Moved to hotel pan and uncovered. Observed sanitizer bucket stored on floor. Person in charge (PIC) advised to store open bags of food in container with tight fitting lid. Management knowledge, responsibilities, reporting, Violation of : 1-2B. Corrected on-site (COS): Milk moved to milk cooler from walk-in at 9:30am; to be discarded at close of lunch period: 1:00pm. Repeat. Dish washer not sanitizing 50 ppm chlorine final rinse. Observed employee beverage stored in reusable container. Observed meatballs stored in 2 door cooler beyond 7 day discard date. Observed standing liquid in bottom of keg coolers. Dumpster door and lid left open after last use. Observed grime build-up on ice chutes and near nozzles of soda fountains in dining area. Debris such as bottle caps, plastic containers, cups, straws on floor behind bar and under equipment. Panels in vent hood pushed in / not in place. Observed waffle batter stored without a date in walk-in cooler. Observed storage of single service containers without protection on kitchen shelf. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC discarded egg rolls. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to ensure safe storage order regarding raw meat and RTE products. Corrected on-site (COS): Transferred to ice baths. CA: PIC advised to add thaw date (thawed within 7 days). Required records: shellstock tags, parasite destruction, One or More Critical Violations (9 points each), No Critical Violations and a score of 90 or above, If a restaurant receives a failing score for an inspection, a score of less than 70, then they will receive a follow-up inspection within 10 days, Roll your mouse over the violation text to view the inspector's observations, Click a column header to resort on that column. CA: PIC advised to ensure TCS foods are properly cooled using 2-stage cooling: 135F to 70F within 2 hours and 70F to 41F within an additional 4 hours (6 hours total). Reach-in cooler not holding TCS foods at 41F or lower (poor condition). Observed employee without hair restraint during food preparation. Repeat, Dumpster slide door left open. Observed missing light shield in downstairs kitchen. Observed plastic food pans stacked while wet on clean dish shelf in kitchen. Technician called. CA: PIC advised that handsinks are to be used for no other purpose than handwashing. Person in charge (PIC) advised to keep can opener clean to sight and touch. Elite Realtors serve as trusted advisors who help both buyers and sellers through the complexities of real estate transactions. Stack in pyramid of loose side stacked to air dry. Chlorine concentration not detectable in dish machine. COS: Food discarded. Proper cold holding temperatures, Violation of : 14C. Observed wet stacking on dish storage rack. Restaurant Report Card: Freight Kitchen & Tap fails; Little Alley Steak scores 100. Observed food workers wearing watches. Inspection report not displayed at drive-thru. Repeat. Repeat. Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) items >41F in reach-in cooler: butter and cheese. Score not displayed at drive-thru windows. Prep area hand sink not working. Front hand sink pulling from wall. Raw beef, chicken and pork removed from packaging for use; vacuum packaged fish discarded. Corrected on-site (COS): Food discarded. Drain plug missing from dumpster. Incorrect health score posted at drive-thru window. Repeat. Sanitizer concentration too strong in table turners used to clean tables. Dumpsters stored over dirt. Inside of reach-in and keg coolers not clean with condensation, debris and mildew buildup. C8 Athens GA, 30605, 1985 BARNETT SHOALS ROAD ATHENS GA, 30605, 1880 Highway 29 North, Suite C Athens GA, 30601, 510 North Lumpkin Street Athens GA, 30601, 1075 Baxter Street, Ste A 101 Athens GA, 30606, 3700 ATLANTA HIGHWAY FC-3 ATHENS GA, 30606, Mannaweenta Ethiopian/Eritrean Restaurant, 1055 Gaines school Rd Ste. Cups and bowls without handles used for food in make table and rice warmer. Noodles in safe cooling stage. Hand soap restocked. PIC advised to clean and sanitize ice machine frequently enough to preclude mold growth. Lid does not stay up. Observed build-up of food debris on floor, especially behind fryer and between ice maker and wall. Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized, Violation of : 8-2B. Soap not provided at back hand sink. Ft. 655 Stoneview Dr, Holly Springs, GA 30115. Observed grease accumulation on floor near fryers and grill. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that employee drinks must be in single-service cups with lids and straws. Soup cooling in ice bath without spoon or other utensil to stir. PIC advised to discard cooked onions (stored in make table overnight). Observed employee hand washing sign not present in restroom #2. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to properly label all cold-held RTE TCS foods held longer than 24 hours with 7-day discard date. Observed mold growth on ice deflector plate in front ice machine. Observed employee not changing gloves when changing tasks in kitchen. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC discarded tongue in WI. read more. Corrected on-site (COS): Foods discarded. Observed cardboard used as a walking surface on floor. Observed rodent droppings behind pretzel cabinet. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised that hand sinks must be supplied with soap at all times. Heavy condensation build-up side prep cooler for hashbrowns. Observed liquor stored in unfinished attic. Observed household pesticide stored in kitchen. Person in charge (PIC) advised to label spray bottle with common name of contents. Ice build-up observed around door. Cut cabbage in cooling phase in deep bus tub. Consult Health Authority before replacing. Corrected on-site (COS): Knives moved to dish room and new ones brought to make table ledge. Bar hand sink used to store plastic beer pitchers. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard half-and-half and hold all temperature control for safety (TCS) foods at 41F or less. Observed metal pans stacked wet on shelf by back hand sink. Repeat. Corrected on-site (COS): Diluted to ~400 ppm. Peroxide spray used to clean dining tables. Recommend additional dunnage rack. Chlorine sanitizer concentration too strong in 3-compartment sink. 0.7 mi. Repeat. Observed employee wearing wipe cloth hanging from pants pocket during food preparation. CA: PIC advised to label spray bottles. Observed employee wearing wipe cloth on belt instead of returning wipe cloth to bucket of sanitizer solution between uses. Splash guard needed between hand sink and clean ledge to 3-compartment sink. Repair. Quat sanitizer in spray bottles used to clean tables too strong. TRICARE Provides Emergency Refills + Sheriff Searches For Runaway, Local BBQ Set To Reopen + CCSD Job Fair + Film Festival Updates, We Are An ARC Green Community + Storage Facility Zoning Changes. Observed trash debris in refuse storage area. Observed storage of tongs between uses on exposed pipes at kitchen grill. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to discard food items, hold all TCS foods at 41F or lower and adjust reach-in temperature. Observed dumplings (make bottom) and cooked chicken (walk-in cooler) with incorrect date (freeze date). Full Time position. Person in charge (PIC) advised to keep can opener clean to sight and touch. Observed expired gallon of milk in walk-in (WI) cooler. Instructed to clean more frequently. PIC indicated that repair has been requested. Observed tomatoes, pico and guacamole cooling covered in walk-in cooler (cool uncovered/shallow). Soap out at front and back handsinks. Observed rice cooling in deep, covered pan inside walk-in cooler; still within safe cooling stage. Repeat. Instructed to use disposable cup with lid and straw. Instructed to mark with prepared or open date. Observed ice build-up in freezer near fans. Food Rules in Spanish. Smoothie King in Woodstock inspection scores 75/100; pink mold along the interior portions of bulk ice machine, 5 REPEAT violations on this inspection. Repeat. Employee phone and keys stored on clean dish shelf. Containers of white powder on end of line without any labels to identify contents. Observed Lexan food containers stacked wet on kitchen shelf. Observed acoustic ceiling tile in mop sink area. PIC advised to use disposable cup with lid and straw. Observed hand towels not present in restrooms for handling inward swinging doors. Observed two dented cans in can storage area. Repeat. Homes similar to 127 Redford Ln are listed between $370K to $925K at an average of $215 per square foot. Observed build-up of food debris on side of retarder cabinet next to kitchen pizza make table. Men's room without self-closing door. Repeat. PIC advised to store open food containers in container with tight fitting lid. Observed several employee drinks stored in improper cups on table by entrance in kitchen (travel mugs, sip-top coffee cups). Observed dust build-up on ceiling vents in dishwash room and on fan guards in WIC. Observed hole in wall in storage area near back door. Repeat. Thermometer missing in guest reach-in fridge. Observed food debris on walk-in cooler #2 floor. Make table not holding TCS foods at 41F or less. Observed water damaged ceiling tile in downstairs storage area. Corrected on-site (COS): PIC removed items from hand sink. Repeat. Observed food containers stacked wet after washing. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to make sanitizer by hand until dispenser is fixed. Corrected on-site (COS): Discarded. Instructed to ice until unit is repaired. Observed damaged self closure mechanism on rear door near public restrooms. Plastic food pans stacked while wet on clean dish shelf next to 3-compartment sink. Restaurant Inspection Scores. Repeat. global; us; ch; se; dk; no; nl; be; uk; de; fr; fi; it; at; es; pt; pl; ie; gr; cz; tr; ae; ca; jp; kr . Corrected on-site (COS): Moved to ledge on stove above waist level. Observed employee drinks stored in reusable containers. Tiles in poor repair in dish room. COS: Moved to shelving and risers. Lemons & limes in open cups behind bar - need to cover to protect from contamination. Repeat. Observed food/debris build-up on shelving in walk-in cooler (WIC). Observed food debris accumulation on can opener in kitchen. Observed single-service cups stored on floor in outdoor storage shed. Dial adjusted. Repeat, Dumpster on gravel/earthen surface. Repeat. Corrected on-site (COS): Diluted to ~400 ppm per product directions (steramine tablets). Observed metal and plastic pans stacked wet on back storage shelf. Mold build-up along chute to ice machine closer to bar. Observed several containers of food and sauces without a date. Prep time verified, items marked. Repeat violation. Ceiling tile missing above mop sink. Dedicated fruit sink not made available to staff. Observed wall grime/splatter in dish area. Inspection report not posted to allow 1-foot approval. Person in charge (PIC) stated items were frozen and quick thawed under running water before going into make table. Grime accumulation on walls near grill. WIC out of repair. Most recent inspection report not posted inside establishment. Hanging thermometer in reach-in (kitchen) is broken. Inspection report not posted as required. Observed damaged spatulas stored at utensil rack. COS. Hand wash reminder for employees missing in ladies restroom. Corrected on-site (COS): Employee stopped and directed to wash hands at hand sink. CA: PIC instructed to properly mark all TPHC items. Instructed to dilute and to follow guidelines when making solution and to test daily. Front service food employee wearing multiple bracelets. Condensation dripping in WI cooler. Roast finished cooking found on counter top 3 hours after cooking. Corrective action (CA): Person in charge (PIC) advised to increase cleaning frequency. 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Law And Order Billy Tripley Part 2,
Articles W