Below are Nanyang Assistant/Associate Professors currently with the College. (Mathematics), Stanford University, 19992003. ", CHEN Hong, FYP student, 2016-2017, Thesis: "Physics of Network. So is being a research assistant professor worth it? He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 2016, M.Phil from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2011, and B.E. Ziwei Liu is a Nanyang Assistant Professor with the School of Computer Science and Engineering in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He obtained his D.Sc. Mo Li () Professor Assistant Chair (Research) School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Prior to joining NTU, he served as a Research Assistant Professor at the MMLab of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, from 2013 to 2018. Who we are We change lives, we are bold, and we do the right thing. Open to an early career researcher (post-doctoral fellow or equivalent) from a reputable university; PhD or equivalent degree in any discipline obtained within the past 10 years; Strong track record for publication and relevant teaching experience; Ready to lead his/her research group independently; Clinician-Scientists interested in clinical studies, epidemiology and translational research are welcome. Dr. Zhu is passionate about the application of communication and automation technology in the transportation domain. Javad DEYLAMI, PhD student, 2017current. Far from it: after the completion of your doctorate, most Ph.D. holders will enter a postdoctoral research position to help your university and/or your academic institution of choice elevate that particular field of study into a specialization. Donn LIEW, PhD candidate, 2021present. Asst Prof Fang Mingliang | Academic Profile | DR-NTU | Research | NTU Singapore The NTU Academic Profile (beta) has been redesigned to provide new features to showcase research output of faculty. Undergraduate thesis: Relic abundance of the lightest neutralino. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Michael Peskin. CV with Full Publication List (with information on citation and impact factor). Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences, and the Asian School Cover Letter (what you have to offer and why you chose NTU), Detailed proposal of your research project (around five (5) A4 pages). Apply Now . The Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences, and the Asian School of the Environment, NTU is looking for a highly motivated individual to join us as a Research Engineer on a recently funded highly multidisciplinary multi-year project for wastewater-based epidemiology. The Nanyang Assistant Professorship Program (NAP) awardees would be given a tenure-track Assistant Professor appointment and they will have independence and freedom to pursue their own research directions. Academic Profile : No longer with NTU Asst Prof Fang Mingliang Assistant Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tock Seng Hospital . CHING Kai Teng, FYP 2021-2022, Topic: "Predicting EPL results. This role will work with our team to conduct the research on development of AI models and algorithms for image processing, computational imaging as well as computer vision applications. ", LIM Zi Yao, Odyssey 2021, Topic: "Using PyElastica to Explore the Effects of Forces on Cosserat Rods. Do we do more research? Lole, Tim - Vocal teacher Music +44 (0)115 848 4570. This research group is a supportive research environment where academics, researchers and students from across NTU can share ideas and learn about decolonial inquiry. Yay, I guess? Assoc Prof Lin Feng. Hiring: I'm constantly looking for prospective PhD students/RAs, expected to work on building wireless and intelligent sensing . DASL works closely with communities in Asia and collaborates with researchers from around the world . Not only do the NAP recipients receive start-up grants of up to S$1 million, they also have the chance to help lead NTUs next wave of multidisciplinary research. ", Javad DEYLAMI, Summer Research Program 2016, Topic: "Developing models for Membrane Biogenesis. The school has an enrolment of over 2500 undergraduate students with over 90 faculty members and 140 full-time research staff working in well-equipped state-of-the-art laboratories. Adjunct Professor, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Eligible Candidate may Apply. from Sun Yat-Sen University in 2009. Ready to lead his/her research group independently. ", Raphael LOH, URECA 2020-2021, Topic: "Using CFD to Understand Urban Pollution. However, unlike tenure-track assistant professors, the role of research assistant professor is a non-standard professorial title. Associate Director @ SenseTime. 2. NTU Psychology is also leading on developing an interdisciplinary MA Decolonial Studies programme for the School of Social Science with an expected roll out in Autumn 2023. Get alerts to jobs like this, to your inbox. Because research assistant professors arent technically employees at their University (their salaries are paid for by the external grant-giving institution thats funding the project), they dont enjoy the financial perks of being a tenured professor, or even that of an associate professor. COPYRIGHT THROUGH EDUCATION 2023. School of Computer Science and Engineering Comfortable with Linux environment, including using vim, git, tmux, bash, etc. wastewater sampling and ultrafiltration for pathogen concentration and Chong Bing ShengProject TEOH Han Kheng [research associate 20162018], PhD student at Cornell, USA. Do we just teach? Launched in 2007, the scheme attracted nearly 400 applicants in 2007 and 586 applicants in 2008 with NTU awarding a total of 18 NAPs in these two years. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore seeks to appoint Assistant Professors (tenure track) in the Asian School of the Environment (ASE) and the Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) in the areas of Volcanic or Tectonic Geohazards. Dr. Hu received the B.E. Associate Professor: $209,000 - $233,000. Grammar Corner: Whats The Difference Between Analysis vs Analyses. The expected base pay range for this position is: Assistant Professor: $177,000 - $195,000. Research assistant professors operate much like visiting professors, as they are usually appointed to their position only for a short amount of time: 2 to 3 years depending on their field of research and whether or not the external grants can still fund it. We believe this article was helpful, if yes, dont hesitate to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other Social Platforms. 65% of our research outputs were identified as internationally excellent or world leading and 100% of our research impact and research environment was recognised as internationally excellent or better, with 60% of impact and 35% of environment described as world leading. 1. Prof ANG Wei Tech. Enter your email and well send you more information of courses and scholarship. On the flip side, however, if you thought fighting for a tenured professorship was tough, try working to secure grants: its extremely competitive, and youd be going up against other geniuses of your caliber. CQT is hosted by the National University of Singapore and also has staff at Nanyang Technological University. View job listing details and apply now. Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, 20122014.Postdoctoral Advisor: L. Mahadevan, Web of Science ResearcherID: AAF-2074-2019 | Orcid-ID: 0000-0002-4583-4071 | Google Scholar page. Job Responsibilities. Research Fellow @ The University of Edinburgh, Ph.D. (NTU), 2021 . Singapore. NTU Research Office . and Ph.D. degrees from Imperial College London in 2012 and 2015, respectively. As the job title implies, research assistant professors are in the same rank and level as tenure-track assistant professors. A research-intensive public university, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has 33,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Engineering, Business, Science, Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences, and Graduate colleges. Connected Vehicles & Automated Vehicles, A Transfer Learning Approach for the Car-following Modelling of Connected Vehicles, Flooding - Development of 3D Visualisation Platform for Flood and Transport Resillency, Optimal Design of Active Mobility Infrastructure Taking into Account the Behaviour of Users, Programme for Micro-Mobility Safety and Utility Research, SU4001 Leaders in Urban Systems and Policy. Research Interests: Aerospace Materials, Additive Manufacturing, Materials Engineering, Optics and Laser Engineering, Polymer Manufacturing, Qualifications: BSc, Manila Central University, 1999, Research Interests: Rehabilitation Robotics & Haptics Interaction, Qualifications: BEng, Nanyang Technological University, 2021, Qualifications: Joint PhD, Nanyang Technological University &, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) India, 2022, Research Interests: Photonic random media, Plasmonics, High-resolution bio-imaging, Sensors, Optical microscopy and spectroscopy, Qualifications: PhD, Nanyang Technological University, 2019, Research Interests: Batteries, Depositions and Characterizations, Qualifications: PhD, Tsinghua University, 2019, Research Interests: Decision and Control, Reinforcement Learning, Autonomous Vehicle, Robotics, Qualifications: PhD, Nagoya University, 2021, Research Interests: Microengineered Vasculature-on-a-chip, Qualifications: PhD, The University of Manchester, 2018, Research Interests: 3D Printing, Biomanufacturing, Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering, Qualifications: MSc, Politecnico Di Milano (polimi), Italy, 2018, Qualifications: MEng, National University of Singapore, 2013, Research Interests: Robotics and automation, Qualifications: MSc, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2018, Research Interests: Fuzzy decision-making, Information fusion, Flight control, Qualifications: MSc, Nanyang Technological University, 2018, Research Interests: Robot control, industrial robotics and automation, Qualifications: BEng, Multimedia University, 2018, Research Interests: Rehabilitation Robotics and Haptics Interaction, Qualifications: PhD, Nanyang Technological University, 2004, Research Interests: Chemical engineering, Coating, Qualifications: BEng, Nanyang Technological University, 2017, Research Interests: Bio-robotic, Hybrid system, Qualifications: BEng, Nanyang Technological University, 2021, Research Interests: Motion planning, manipulation planning, Qualifications: PhD, Brown University, 2021, Research Interests: Mechanics of solids, Finite element simulation, Two-dimensional materials and Thin film mechanics, Qualifications: BEng, Nanyang Technological University, 2022, Research Interests: AR Development and Metaverse, Qualifications: PhD, Tsinghua University, 2018, Research Interests: Elastic instability, Morphing structures, Mechanical metamaterials, Robotic matter, Fluid-structure interaction, Qualifications: PhD , Nanyang Technological University, 2007, Research Interests: Solid oxide fuel cell, solid oxide electrolysis cell, Research Interests: Microfluidic particles sorting techniques, Qualifications: MEng, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2021, Research Interests: Automated Driving, Nonlinear Dynamics, Multicopter Control, Qualifications: MSc, Nanyang Technological University, 2022, Qualifications: MSc, Imperial College London, 2019, Research Interests: Metamaterials, shape-changing robots, DEM simulation, Qualifications:MSc,International School of Photonics, CUSAT, India,2019, Research Interests: Optical and Spectral imaging, Nonlinear Optics, Fiber Sensors, Qualifications: PhD, BEng, Nanyang Technological University/University of Southampton (Joint), 2019, Research Interests: Automation, Sensors, haptics demonstration, Qualifications: PhD, Nanyang Technological University, 2022, Research Interests: Insect-machine hybrid system, biohybrid system, autonomous navigation, locomotion control, insect-scale mobile robots, Qualifications: PhD, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2020, Research Interests: Robot design, Additive manufacturing, Solid and Fluid mechanics, Materials science, Qualifications: BEng, Nanyang Technological University, 2020, Research Interests: Robotics, Non-Destructive testing, Research Interests: Structural morphology, Mechanical Simulation, Multilayer materials, Qualifications: PhD, Brown University, 2022, Research Interests: Biomechanics, Nanomechanics, Self-assembly, Cell-nanomaterial Interactions, Qualifications: BSc, Nanyang Technological University, 2020, Research Interests: Microfluidic separation techniques for exosomes, Qualifications: BEng, Nanyang Technological University, 2020, Research Interests: 3D Printing, Ceramics, Composites, Qualifications: PhD, Tampere University, Finland, 2018, Research Interests: Nonlinear Optics, Nanoscale lasers, Nanofabrication, Ultrafast Process, Material Science, Qualifications: PhD, University of Technology Sydney, 2019, Research Interests: Non-destructive testing, Ground-penetrating radar, Antenna design, Research Interests: Robot Design, Robot Control. JTC), Minister for National Development's R&D Award - Call for Nominations, NRF - UK's Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Joint Grant Call in Marine Plastics, NRF - National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Joint Grant Call, NRF - Israel Science Foundation (ISF) Joint Grant Call, RISE Adding of sponsors, organizations and funding schemes, National Medical Research Council (NMRC) Young Individual or New Investigator Grants, National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) Catalyst Grants, Singapore Cancer Society's Cancer Research Grants, Integrated Grant Management System (IGMS) Managing of IGMS access under NTU CorpPass and related queries, Research Information SystEm (RISE) Fulfilment of RISE role access requests, Managing of RISE Resources and IGMS Resources@NTU in ServiceNow, National Medical Research Council (NMRC) Research and Talent Development Grants, Other Local Biomedical Grants (National Kidney Foundation, etc. BEng, Nanyang Technological University, 2019Research Area: Robotics & AutomationResearch Interests: Robotics, Machine LearingSupervisor:Professor Hirotaka Sato, Pojchanun KanitthamniyomResearch PhD, Nanyang Technological University, 2021Research Area: Biomedical & SportsResearch Interests: 3D printing, magnetic digital microfluidicsSupervisor:Dr Chen Songlin, Research Area: Industrial Eng & DesignResearch Interests: Ambient Assisted Living, Product Design and Development Supervisor:Professor Chen Chun-Hsien, Qualifications: BSc, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2022, Research Interests: Numerical Image Analysis, Process monitoring, Qualifications: PhD, City University of Hong Kong, 2022, Research Interests: Electrochemical devices, Nanomaterials, Metal-oxygen batteries, Electrocatalysis, Qualifications: BTech, National University of Singapore, 2020, Qualifications: PhD, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, 2018, Research Interests: Nonlinear optics, Biophysics, Optical Microscopy, Carbon nanostructures, photothermal microscopy, Research Interests: 3D printing, composite materials fabrication, sustainable materials, Qualifications: PhD, North Carolina State University, 2022, Research Interests: Human factors, Virtual reality, ergonomics, Qualifications: PhD, University of Muenster, Germany, 2012, Research Interests: Robotic-assisted therapy and assessment, Biomechanics, Rehabilitation, Qualifications: BEng, National University of Singapore, 2022, Research Interests: Clean Energy, Energy Storage, Metal and Ceramic, Laboratory experiments and Surface and Microstructures, Qualifications: PhD, University of Manchester, 2019, Research Interests: Biofabrication, biomaterials, 3D printing, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, Qualifications: MEng, University of Southampton, 2020. Ziwei received his Ph.D. (2017) from the MMLab of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. ", TAY Li Yu, FYP student, 2017-2018, Thesis: "Membrane Biogenesis. Enter your email address below to receive updates each time we publish new content. The Worlds Best Young University is looking for the worlds most promising research talents. The main responsibility of the research engineer (Statistics), Stanford University 2003. Research Support Office (RSO) Prof FUNG Tat Ching Director, Research Support Office Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Phone: 6592 7579 Email: Dr Anna CHAN Senior Assistant Director Phone: 6592 2533 Email: Main portfolios MOE AcRF Tier 3 MOE Stem and I&E (SIE) Promotion Programme Grant Call It is also placed 1st amongst the world's best young universities. ", Pulkit ADITYA, Singapore-India Summer Research Program 2017, "Statistical Mechanics of RNA. The University provides excellent R&D infrastructure with well-equipped state-of-the-art laboratories and opportunities for research funding. A . To find out more about the Nanyang Assistant Professorship, click, National Research Foundation (NRF) Research Fellowship, CoE International Postdoctoral Fellowship (IPF), Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) Postdoctoral Fellowship. Relax: the second option is almost always the most logical one, not to mention the one that provides the steadiest of incomes. Is the D Important in Pharmacy? Research Area: Materials. His research interests include machine learning, computer vision, and computational imaging, particularly in the domains of image enhancement and restoration, and multi-modality scene understanding. However, during your time as a junior academic, youll most likely be tasked with research training, wherein youd be assigned to learn under a senior academic (either an associate professor, a tenured professor, or a full-time research fellow), during which time theyre expected to train and mentor you in your field of study. Research assistant professors are also highly encouraged to apply for, and win, external grants to fund their own projects (or any project that your University might task you with). . Nanyang Assistant Professorship (NAP) The World's Best Young University is looking for the world's most promising research talents. Or mail the carbon copy of the application package to: Dr. Louis Ge . B.Sc. Fax: +65 6792 6559 Email: limo @ ntu. A Research Assistant Professor position is available in the Satellite Research Centre (SaRC), School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Enjoy attractive remuneration package and other benefits including assistance with accommodation. Before joining NIT Agartala, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Singapore, in the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Oh, did you think getting your Ph.D. was the end of your journey? Using Neural Networks to Draw Insight on Different Topological G4 Sequences, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Report to advisor and the team weekly, Prepare and publish research papers on top-tier conferences and journals, Help prepare the proposal and progress report. ", HENG Wangcong, FYP student, 2016-2017, Thesis: "RNA Folding. (Statistics), Stanford University 2003B.Sc. (2) Synthesis of cationic surfactants. degree from Central South University in 2011 and M.Sc. Jul 2015 - May 20193 years 11 months. (CARES), is a collaboration between Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the University of Cambridge. Apply to Associate Professor, Research Assistant, Assistant Professor and more! Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University, 20122014. The candidate would be expected to collaborate Highly adept in curriculum and program development, faculty and department management, budgets, schedules, staffing, mentoring and research supervision. Dr. Zhu,Feng is an Assistant Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at NTU. Dr. Zhu is passionate about the application of communication and automation technology in the transportation domain. Tom GRAY [Visiting PhD student from Cambridge University, UK, 2018 2019], PhD student at Cambridge University, UK. Mentor. (Physics), and B.Sc. from Sun Yat-Sen University in 2009. Excellent publication record, including top-tier journals and conference papers in the related fields. TEOH Han Kheng [research associate 20 16 20 18 ], PhD student at Cornell, USA. Since 2016 he is Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Hold a tenure-track appointment and play lead roles in the universitys new wave of multi-disciplinary, integrative research. Dr Ou Zhao is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Scientist @ Shanghai AI Laboratory, RAP (NTU), 2021 Thesis: Problems at the Nexus of Geometry and Soft Matter: Rings, Ribbons and Shells. Education Professional Experience Research Interest Professor, Buck Institute for Research on Ageing, Novato, CA, USA. He also serves as the Associate Editor of International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) and IET Computer Vision. NTU's successes are powered by our people and their ability to shape, create and innovate - wherever they work, and whatever they're doing. EU Shu Tian [research associate 20162018], Phd student at Wisconsin Madison, USA. Benefits Successful candidates will: Receive a start-up research grant of up to S$ 1 million (US$ 753K; 619K; 532K). Online applications are invited for Assistant Professor position by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) . Consultant and Deputy head of department in Rehabilitation Medicine. multidisciplinary multi-year project for wastewater-based epidemiology. Home Blog Nanyang Assistant Professorship Program 2022 at NTU Singapore (Funded). Independent and self-motivated researcher. Research Assistant, (Cognitive Flexibility in Adolescent) (R00011812) Nanyang Technological University Singapore . Andi is an experienced team leader with a history of work in the arts, film & television, and higher education industries, specifically in Animation. During this time, youre usually offered a position as a tenure-track assistant professor, the first step to becoming a full, tenured professor, suede elbow patches optional (a good gift for professors, by the way). Our team is led by the Principal Investigator, Charlene Y. Chen, Assistant Professor of Marketing at Nanyang Business School, and Co-Investigator, Andy J. Yap, Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Academic Director of the Centre for Organisational Research at INSEAD. However, there is another career track that you should consider: becoming a full-time researcher dedicated to not just making an impact in your field of study, but also expanding it and creating even more specialized curriculums within your field. Phone: +65 6790 4604. For most research assistant professors, this usually comes in the form of seminars, supervising an undergraduate research project, or mentoring Ph.D. candidates on their projects. He was a joint training Ph.D. student at the Australian National University. The scheme is opened on an annual basis and each year, up to 10 appointments will be made. Undergraduate thesis: Relic abundance of the lightest neutralino.. As the name suggests, research assistant professors are primarily tasked with researching the projects that they are being funded to work on. This pay range reflects base pay, which is based on . STAFF PROFILE. He also serves/served as an Area Chair of top conferences such as ICCV 2021, CVPR (2023, 2021, 2019), ECCV (2022, 2018), AAAI (2021-2023), and BMVC (2018-2021). ", Dustin Erhard Theofilus, URECA 2021-2022, Topic: "Modelling the Collective Motion of HeLa Cells. At the end of the day, it allows you to pursue your interests while gaining experience teaching (just in case the researcher stint doesnt pan out). View 11 Assistant Professor Ntu jobs in Clementi Park at jobsDB, create free email alerts and never miss another career opportunity again. (Physics), and B.Sc. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. A Research Assistant Professor position is available in the Satellite Research Centre (SaRC), School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. newark board of education human resource services 765 broad street, newark, new jersey 07102 roger len, district superintendent school counselor Babicheve Rita. Early career researcher (post-doctoral fellow or equivalent) from a reputable university, PhD or MD or equivalent degree in any discipline obtained within the past 10 years, Strong track record for publication and relevant teaching experience. Biography. Assistant Professor @ Singapore Management University, Postdoc (NTU), 2021 Being a research Assistant, ( Cognitive Flexibility in Adolescent ) ( )! And Mathematical Sciences Cosserat Rods did you think getting your Ph.D. was the end of your?. Program 2016, Topic: `` Membrane Biogenesis Kong University of Hong.... 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